Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Journey Starts Today

After searching for some time about the kind of things I wish to share on this page, it dawned on me. This blog was started to serve as the beginning of a journey; the journey of finding myself.

I believe that finding yourself is a journey that never ends. As humans we evolve constantly, which means that our motivation, drive, goals, passions, and personalities change as well.  I guess its safe to say that when other's say to us "you aren't the same person that you used to be", its true.... We aren't. Whether its seen badly or not, that is up to them; and its up to you as to how to let their words effect you. We are never the same person that we were yesterday.

Life is about being happy, or at least striving to do the things that make you happy. Life is meant to be lived, to be filled with moments of joy and love. Life is about finding yourself, and changing the things about yourself that no longer serve you. Life is about letting go of the past that has scarred you, but keeping hold of the memories to remind you of the person that you are today. Life is messy, but if you change your perspective in moments of devastation, you'll notice that life is beautiful even in moments of chaos.

I've had my fair share of life shattering moments. At the age of 26, I have been through things that I wouldn't wish on others. In that same sense, I wouldn't change my past, because if I hadn't traveled that road, I wouldn't have the clarity on life that I do today.

Each day that I wake up I am in control of how my day will go. Today, I choose to have a good day. From here on out, I vow to change my attitude. I choose to rely less on others, love myself more, and thank the Heaven's above for all that I have. I choose to release love and positive energy into the universe around me, because through love and acts of kindness, the world around us changes. Choose to see it that way. Choose to change your day, and notice how the world around you changes with it.

Life is a never ending journey.

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